- CCI is a clinical research operations centre that provides its member cardiovascular investigators with access to dedicated, expert personnel as well as organizational and physical infrastructure that will enhance their research scope and capacity
- CCI is an inclusive centre that offers membership to all cardiovascular investigators in BC (basic/clinical/allied health care) on mutually agreeable terms
- CCI provides a unified identity/affiliation for all Cardiovascular Investigators in BC
- CCI will establish transformative relationships with PHSA and Hospital Foundations

- The CCI Operations Committee will be responsible for the administration (including finances) of the CCI and the coordination of its research activities. It will work in tandem with the CCI Academic Steering Committee and the CCI Strategic Advisory Board. The Operations Committee will be chaired by the Director of the CCI.
- CCI operations are led on a day-to-day basis by a Director of Research Operations
- CCI operates on a cost recovery basis to ensure the sustainability of its personnel and physical infrastructure