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Centre for Cardiovascular Innovation
By Researchers.
For Researchers.


Active Research


CCI's Ever-growing Team


Centre for Cardiovascular Innovation
By Researchers.
For Researchers.


Active Research


Educational Resources



The Centre for Cardiovascular Innovation (CCI) is a clinical research operational centre providing services to cardiovascular investigators working in British Columbia to facilitate national and international clinical trials. CCI-CIC is dedicated to improving the health of patients with cardiovascular disease. CCI-CIC provides physical and personnel infrastructure to enhance the research capacity of its member investigators.

Transparent. Accountable. Engaged.

The provision to cardiovascular investigators of centralized research personnel, physical infrastructure and institutional expertise will enhance the scope and success of their research. CCI-CIC provides cardiovascular researchers with multiple benefits including cost efficient infrastructure, continuity, and greater autonomy in research planning and conduct. Member investigators of CCI-CIC have strong track records of successful scientific research in all aspects of cardiovascular care and are leaders both nationally and internationally.

CCI-CIC was established by researchers, for researchers.

Become affiliated with CCI as a Researcher

Are you interested in being affiliated with CCI as a researcher?”

Please complete the following slide with a brief biography/summary of your achievements and include a recent photo.

Additionally, please select 2-3 pdfs of recent publications to feature alongside your profile. Please send your complete package to:

Download CCI Slide Template

How We Can Help

CCI provides the following clinical research services based on a cost-recovery model.

Grant Facilitation
Statistical Support
Clinical Database Creation/Management

Finance and Contracts

Regulatory Compliance


Research Laboratory

CCI is an inclusive centre with multidisciplinary membership for all cardiovascular investigators in BC