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  • Professor of Medicine at University of British Columbia (UBC).
  • Cardiologist, Echocardiographer and Director of Echo Lab, VGH and UBC.
  • Associate Head of Research, Department of Medicine, UBC
  • CIHR and NSERC Funded Investigator; CIHR peer reviewer.
  • ~300 peer review publications, 1 book, 9 book chapters, 7 patents filed.
  • Lifetime echo experience: >75,000 studies interpreted.
  • Mentor to multiple medical students, residents, echo fellows, junior staff; and supervisor to MSc and PhD candidates.

2019 Highlights

  • Invited speaker at Canadian Society of Echo: “ Artificial Intelligence in Echocardiography – Rise of the Machines”
  • Chair of AI workshop at CCC 2019
  • Invited speaker of Hot Topics at UBC Department of Medicine Research Expo: State of the Art AI in Echo Imaging, where are we in 2019?
  • Supercluster Grant successful.

Dr. Tsang is a Professor in the Division of Cardiology. She came to UBC in October 2009 from the Mayo Clinic and specializes in echocardiography and clinical epidemiology. She is internationally recognized for her research in atrial fibrillation, echocardiographic prediction, and prevention of first atrial fibrillation, heart failure, and stroke; atrial remodeling and reversal; and diastolic dysfunction.

Dr. Tsang has been Associate Head Research in the Department of Medicine since 2011. She is on the Board of Directors for the Canadian Society of Echocardiography. She is the Director of Echo Lab for VGH and UBC. She is a CIHR-NSERC funded investigator.

  • Research interests and seminal contributions in Atrial Remodelling Imaging, Epidemiology of AF, Diastolic Function Assessment, Echo-guided Pericardiocentesis, and Artificial Intelligence in Echo Imaging.
  • Team consists of high-calibre talented Echocardiographers and Engineers.
  • Mentor to multiple medical students, residents, echo fellows, junior staff; and supervisor to MSc and PhD candidates
  • PI of INFUSE (INformation FUSion for Echocardiography): A Novel Platform for Automatic Analysis of Echocardiography Data at Any Point-Of-Care”.
  • Co-PI for Canada Digital Technologies Supercluster Grant (2.9 million): Intelligent Network for Point-of-Care Ultrasound (technology project).

Key Publications in 2019:

CCI is an inclusive centre with multidisciplinary membership for all cardiovascular investigators in BC