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Frank Fan, BSc


  • Programmer at CCI-CIC
  • Over 3 years of experience with data analytics and research
  • Bachelor of Science, Environmental Sciences
    • Minor: Statistics
  • Fluent in SAS Macros, SAS ODS, SQL and Python

Frank works as the Programmer at CCI. He has previous experience in data analysis and database support within environmental consulting firm, UBC research labs, and the Government of Canada. At CCI, he provides programming and other technical support to ongoing clinical trials and research projects. He has completed his undergraduate degree at University of British Columbia, where he majored in Environmental Sciences and minored in Statistics. He has then worked in clinical research at CCI since 2021, where he automates the workflow and operations of COMPLETE TAVR, DISCORDANCE TAVR and other multi-site studies.

CCI is an inclusive centre with multidisciplinary membership for all cardiovascular investigators in BC