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Steven Wang, MSc

Statistical consultant

  • Statistical consultant for CCI
  • Lead statistician of over 10 clinical trials and observational studies
  • Over 40 published/submitted papers in peer-reviewed journals
  • Eight-year experience in statistical application for clinical research

Steven Wang is a statistical consultant for CCI-CIC. During the past 8 years, he has been extensively involved in multinational clinical research as a lead statistician for over 10 randomized controlled trials and observational studies. His responsibilities include but are not limited to reviewing research protocols and case report forms, writing and peer reviewing statistical analysis plans, applying advanced statistical methodology to clinical research and providing statistical advice for grant applications, conference presentations and publications. He has co-authored over 40 published/submitted papers in peer-reviewed journals, including NEJM, Lancet, Circulation, JACC and Statistics in Medicine.

CCI is an inclusive centre with multidisciplinary membership for all cardiovascular investigators in BC