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Dr. Jason G Andrade

Director, VGH Cardiac Electrophysiology Laboratory

Dr. Davina Banner

Professor, School of Nursing, University of Northern British Columbia

Dr. Madeleine Barker

CCI research fellow and Cardiology resident (UBC)

Dr. Jamil Bashir

Director, St. Paul’s Hospital Lead Extraction Program, Doctors of B.C. Section Head

Dr. Matthew Bennett

Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device Lead, Vancouver Coastal Health

Dr. Philipp Blanke

Director, Cardiac CT Core Laboratory, St. Paul’s Hospital

Dr. Liam Brunham

Associate Professor, UBC Dept of Medicine

Dr. Nathan W Brunner

Clinical Assistant Professor at UBC

Dr. John Cairns

Dean Emeritus, Medicine, University of British Columbia

Dr. Albert Chan

Regional Head, Interventional Cardiology, Fraser Health

Dr. Anson Cheung

Surgical Director of Cardiac Transplantation of British Columbia

Dr. Christopher Cheung

CCI Fellow and Cardiac Electrophysiology Fellow

Dr. Brian Clarke

Clinical Associate Professor in the Division of Cardiology at the UBC

Dr. Richard C Cook

Director of Minimal Access and Robotically-Assisted Cardiac Surgery at VGH

Dr. Margot K Davis

Director, UBC Cardio-Oncology Program

Dr. Angela Devlin

Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia

Dr. Marc W Deyell

Director, Heart Rhythm Research, UBC Division of Cardiology

Dr. Thalia Field

Associate Professor of Medicine at UBC

Dr. Christopher B Fordyce

Director, Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Vancouver General Hospital

Dr. Anthony Fung

Clinical Professor, University of British Columbia

Dr. Ken Gin

Clinical Professor of Medicine UBC, Head, Division of Cardiology VGH

Dr. Martin Gleave

Distinguished Professor and Chairman of the Department of Urologic Sciences at UBC

Dr. Jasmine Grewal

Director of the Pacific Adult Congenital Heart Program

Dr. Nathaniel M Hawkins

Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia

Dr. Bilal Iqbal

Interventional Cardiologist, Victoria, BC

Dr. Andrew D Krahn

Professor and Head, Division of Cardiology, UBC

Dr. Zachary Laksman

Director, St. Paul’s Hospital British Columbia Inherited Arrhythmia Clinic

Dr. Christopher Lane

Director of Interior Health Electrophysiology

Dr. Sandra Lauck

St. Paul’s Hospital and Heart & Stroke Professorship in Cardiovascular Nursing

Dr. Jonathon Leipsic

Regional Department Head, Medical Imaging (VCH / PHC)

Dr. Peter Loewen

Associate Professor (tenured), UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Dr. Christina L Luong

Director of Stress Echocardiography at VGH

Dr. GB John Mancini

Director, Cardiovascular Imaging Research Core Laboratory, Director CardioRisk Clinic

Dr. Nate Moulson

Clinical Assistant Professor at UBC

Dr. Joel Price

Clinical Associate Professor

Dr. Simon W Rabkin

Professor of Medicine

Dr. Thomas Roston

Clinical Assistant Professor

Dr. Shubhayan Sanatani

Medical Director, Children’s Heart Centre, BC Children’s Hospital (BCCH)

Dr. Gnalini Sathananthan

MBBS Bsc (Med) FRCPC MPhil

Dr. Janarthanan Sathananthan

Interventional and structural cardiologist University of British Columbia

Dr. Jacqueline Saw

Program Director, VGH Interventional Cardiology Fellowship Training Program

Dr. Tara Sedlak

Director of the Leslie Diamond Women’s Heart Health Clinic

Dr. Stephanie L Sellers

Director of Fundamental Research, St. Paul’s Hospital Cardiovascular Imaging, Radiology

Dr. Markus B Sikkel

Cardiac Electrophysiologist at RJH Victoria

Dr. Michael YC Tsang

Director, Echocardiography Fellowship, Vancouver General Hospital

Dr. Teresa SM Tsang

Cardiologist, Echocardiographer and Director of Echo Lab, VGH and UBC

Dr. Ricky Turgeon

Assistant Professor at the UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Dr. Sean A Virani

Head, Division of Cardiology, Providence Health Care

Dr. John G Webb

Director, Centre for Heart Valve Innovation

Dr. Graham C Wong

Director of the UBC Adult Cardiology Training Program

Dr. David Wood

Director, Centre for Cardiovascular Innovation

Dr. Stephen Wright

Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for Heart, Lung & Vascular Health, UBC Okanagan

Dr. Jian Ye

Director, UBC Cardiac Surgery Research

CCI is an inclusive centre with multidisciplinary membership for all cardiovascular investigators in BC